NJ 11th for Change: New Jerseyans Tired of Insiders Getting Helipads, Outsiders Not Getting Grocery Stores

The executive director for NJ 11th for Change this morning applauded the work to date of Governor Phil Murphy’s Task Force investigating the administration of corporate tax incentives by the NJ Economic Development Authority (NJEDA), and decried the program.

The executive director for NJ 11th for Change this morning applauded the work to date of Governor Phil Murphy's Task Force investigating the administration of corporate [bubbleAutoLink text="tax incentives" id="55148"] by state the Economic Development Authority (EDA), and decried the program.

"The people of New Jersey are tired," Saily Avelenda told the task force in the War Memorial.

They are tired, she said in reference to the tax incentives awarded by the EDA, when "The insiders get a helipad and the outsiders don't get a grocery store, and that's the problem we have in New Jersey."


Previous comments for: NJ 11th for Change: New Jerseyans Tired of Insiders Getting Helipads, Outsiders Not Getting Grocery Stores

  1. Nicholas Homyak says:

    Were overdeveloped with unneeded malls and office space once land is lost its lost forever. Its Private interest over the common good of sustainable life in the long term..Divided States of America..

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